About Our Birds

The Montana Emu Ranch Company is located in the Rocky Mountains of Northwest Montana, about 65 miles south of the Canadian Border. Here the air is pristine, the water is pure and the intent of our mission is authentic. The Montana Emu Ranch Company is dedicated to bringing these clean and natural elements to you through the purity of our natural nutritional products.

Here at Montana Emu Ranch, we are animal lovers and very conscientious about the treatment of our Emu.

Our Emu are raised in large pens with free choice feed and water, meaning they have 24/7 access to food and water. Their water is dispensed from automatic heated waterers, so even in winter they have 24/7 access. Their water source comes from a clean, reliable aquifer and is excellent water, better than most people get!

We feed our Emu a special diet of fresh ground crops from a Local mill. There are no chemicals, antibiotics, or synthetic fillers added. We do add diatomaceous earth as natural parasite control.

Emu are omnivores and eat wild insects; therefore, they require a special high protein diet. We do NOT feed our Emu “Ratite or Ostrich” feed because the balance of protein is not correct for them. As mentioned above, our Emu Feed is freshly ground from local crops. While we wish it could be certified organic, it would increase the price of the emu oil by many times over what it is now. Providing quality products at the lowest price possible has always been our goal.

Each group of Emu have their own shelter bedded with fresh dry straw and/or wood shavings. The groups are checked daily to ensure their access to food, water, and fresh bedding.

Our birds are 98% usable and are processed annually in July at a grow-out facility and processing plant located in Helena Montana. We are currently working with two ranch families located near the State Inspected processing plant to grow the birds out. The birds are processed the same day they deliver them to the plant.

Emu meat is a Fat-Free Red meat endorsed by the American Heart Association. Whatever meat is not packaged and sold to local health food stores and restaurants is sold to natural-fed dog/pet groups.

When the birds are processed for their meat, the fat pad is harvested off their back and sent to a food grade refinery to be refined into the oil we use for our products. Our fat is consistently rated in the top 2% across the country. This rating is directly related to the feed formula and care the birds receive. We are one of the few, if not the only ranch, that sends large enough batches of fat guaranteed not to be mixed with any other ranch's fat from across the country. This is VITAL because, like humans, Emu store toxins in their fat. The cleaner the feed and living conditions of the Emu the better the quality of oil!

In summary, our oil is guaranteed to be fresh annually. Our birds are a 98% usable, renewable source of meat and oil for people and pets. They are raised in large pens with free choice feed and water in a clean environment monitored daily. They are processed humanely in a Montana State inspected facility.

If you have any other questions feel free to contact us anytime!

Monday-Thursday 8:30am to 4:00pm MST
Friday 8:30am to 12:00pm MST
Saturday & Sunday CLOSED

Toll Free at 1-888-444-4EMU
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